Tips for Installing SSL Certificate on Windows Microsoft Exchange 2010

According to several computer experts, the latest and greatest tool to defend against unwanted security breaches while using Windows Microsoft Exchange 2010 to surf the net is the installation of a high-quality SSL Certificate.

Many people believe, and it's backed up by tons of research stating this to be true, is that a properly installed and professionally built Security SSL Certificate can make your internet browsing 100% secure from unwanted hacks. It's also confirmed by testing that if you're a website host or company, having this feature on your website can significantly improve customer shopping habits and provide Trust to your consumer base.

So, let's say that you've just bought the coolest and best SSL Certificate to use on your computer - how exactly do you go about installing it correctly? Well, if you use Windows Microsoft Exchange, here are a few helpful hints on how to successfully install any SSL Certificate onto your computer.

Step 1 - Download the file from the SSL Security Company and open the zip file that contains your SSL Certificate. This file will be a .cer indicator and will be noted by your domain name. For example, if your domain name is, then your certificate file will be grabthelightning.cer in most cases.

Step 2 - Copy the Certificate file to your Microsoft Exchange Server.

Step 3 - You then need to start the Microsoft Exchange program console. The best way to do this is; go to your start menu, select programs, Microsoft Exchange 2010 then select the Exchange Management Console file.

Step 4 - Select the 'Manage Database' file then click on the Server Configuration file

Step 5 - You then will select the certificate that you copied into the Microsoft Exchange Server above and then select the 'ACTIONS' menu to COMPLETE PENDING REQUEST. Locate your certificate and then click OPEN then COMPLETE.

At this time you're going to see an error message that states "THE SOURCE DATA IS CORRUPTED...." simply ignore this warning - its ok.

Step 6 - Hit the F5 button on your keyboard to refresh the certificate. You then need to make sure that it says "FALSE" in the SELF SIGNED section. If it says TRUE, go back to step 1.

Step 7 - To enable the certificate, you need to head backward to the Microsoft Exchange Management Console and pick the link that says 'ASSIGN SERVICES TO CERTIFICATE" and select this link by clicking.

Step 8 - Find your server on the provided list and click it.

Step 9 - Pick which services you want to use your SSL Certificate with then select NEXT - ASSIGN - FINISH and you're done.

If you've done this - in this order, your services should be now complete and your Windows Microsoft Exchange 2010 should be 100% secure against any incoming attacks from hackers or those people who have nothing better to do than steal your identity.

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