The Coolest Features of New SSL Certificate Software Explained Easily

Although there are many cool features of SSL Certificate software programs that are available for companies and consumers alike, many regular computer users often wonder what the language the benefits are written. Let's be real for
a minute - the description of most computer software programs tends to be written in a language similar to computer code. And for the most part, it is very difficult to comprehend the actual content which is written in terms that the novice computer user can absorb.

So, in order to simplify this chronic issue, here are some of the coolest new features that SST Certificate software programs are offering their customers. This information is best used for people or companies who have or are intending on building an online presence for their company.

There are virtually three different types of SSL Certificate features available on the market right now and by understanding the difference between each, your ability to make a more informed purchase becomes more realistic.

The First type of program is called a High Assurance Certificate

A high assurance certificate it the traditional certificate level which is provided by most SSL Security software companies. In order to use this type of certificate, you have to verify a few things such as the ownership of the domain name as well as ensuring that the domain is registered to a licensed and registered business. This information is printed on the actual certificate that users or visitors to your website can actively see where the certificate is displayed in the URL.

It traditionally takes a little while for the high assurance certificate to be verified, however the program allows users to have a high level of trust in knowing your website is safe and secure to use and that your company is reliable and ethical as well.

The Second type of program is a Low Assurance Certificate

A low assurance or also known as a domain-validated certificate is one that only provides assurance to customers or online visitors that the domain name is safe and secure - and not your business or organization which is attached to the website. This is a version that many online websites that might provide some sort of user interaction - but are not concerned about providing trust to their users - meaning the website is for viewing and not selling products or services.

The final type of program is an EV Certificate

This program is designed to reduce the phishing (which is when people try to steal your user names, passwords and other secure information) attacks that are common with most internet hi-jacks today. This process takes a little longer to verify and set up the actual certificate which has a positive attribute of providing an even higher level of assurance to your customers than a traditional high assurance certificate level we talked about above. You can tell if a website is EV Certificate when the url address bar is green.

Understanding the basics about how these three levels of SSL certificate protection can significantly help you make a more informed decision on how to protect your website and provide your customers significant levels of trust.

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